Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Seniors fare well party/ lunch at my house for Subhasini on October 14, 2021.


    We had our farewell lunch (potluck) at my place as Lall had gone to LA and coming back today in the afternoon. As we had been together last few months and meeting regularly either walking or at homes we had been having good time together. As I am the only one who drives we had been going for shopping and eating lunch at the restaurants. Shubhasini is leaving on 21st October for India/Mumbai while Prabha is leaving for New Jersey on October 24th and then to India in March. Jayshree is leaving on December 7.
 So Parminder, Pramila and myself, three of us are left behind as we are citizens and living here for a long time. Anyway the COVID 19 had given us a chance to unite us as friends. This is the gift this lock down has given to us. Otherwise I have been living here for the last 21 years and I had not come across anyone to become friends around this neighborhood. I have friends but not in this neighborhood.   

lunch at my house 
lunch at Parminder's house (senior group)

Senior outing and lunch on 10/4/21

My day, today became quite hectic. But I did my morning walk snd my daily routine of prayer. At 10.30 am I drove to Walmart with Jayshree, Prabha, and Subhasini. I gave my car for oil change and many other things needed as I have not done servicing for the last nearly two years due to COViD lock down. Car was handed over around 11.10 am and got back around 1.20 pm. By then all three friends were busy doing shopping at Walmart and later at Kohl. But they hardly purchased anything. I didn’t buy anything except tooth paste and small plant. I need to replant it by tomorrow. I finished doing some gardening today. We(Prabha, Parminder, Jayshree, Subhasini and myself) had lunch at Star Chaat near Regal Cinema. Bill $60, $15 each of us. Later on on the way back home I went to pay my due payment for the month to Dr.Zhao. We had a good time together
Restaurant server man, Jamuna, Subhasini, Jayshree, Prabha 
Jayshree, Prabha, Jamuna, Subhasini at Star Chaat.

Monday, November 15, 2021

My Visit to Toronto after two years (pandemic period)

On 7th November i left San Francisco International Airport for Toronto by Amerian airlines through United Airlines. It was 7 O'clock flight so I had to leave home at 3.45 am. Lall and Shobha took me upto the inside entrance and I was able to go easily. But after check in as i always had problem with my knee surgery I had always to go for farther check up. After the recheck by a woman I went toward the boarding area at G8 and found it was quite a long walk. After I reached the gate I found my boarding pass missing and went back to see if it fell on the way. But I couldn't find and enquired one of the air hostesses passing by and she said i could be issued a new boarding pass. So I came back to G8 and enquired the gentleman who was checking all the computers and set up for the staff/workers. When I asked him for it he went to find out from office and was told to get permission from his boss. So I waited till his boss came but I didn't see him taking any action. So I waited in line and enquired again. He asked his boss and was given permission. I got it at last and I was free of my worries. when the announcement was coming i was given the first choice to board as i was supposed to have a wheelchair. And i walked up to the plane and took my seat 24C.( aisle seat). Middle seats were empty and hence I found it quite comfortable. I took my parotha but didn't eat as I was not hungry. So I had food as i reached Jibesh's home. Bianca and Poka also came and we had dinner together. Lata took all the things brought for them and Rachna was happy with the bread (clam chouder). I had been going out for walk with Jyoti for walk and also at Mall where I got my purse and also sweater from Walmart. I met Brayden and we had lunch together, he is grown so tall and handsome. He wants to become a mechanic (Car).I gave him $100 dollar each for him and Gavin fro Christmas and birthdays. I spent the days walking with Jyoti and also working on my emails. Lata and family came to pick me up on Saturday the 13th November and Pouca drove us to Evergreen Brick work where farmers' market was going on and sale of christmas tree also could be seen. We walked with Laika along the trail and then headed for Lata's apartment but the traffic took us so long by the time we reached Marley Avenue. After leaving Laika we came to have lunch at Vitnamese Restaurant called Lae Vien. As usual we all had to show our vaccine and ID for having lunch there. I ordered Pineapple fried rice with shrimp. I found it quite bland and had to put lots of Chilli sauce. After lunch around 3 pm we drove to Indian store on the way back to Jibesh's place. Got some vegitables for Manipuri Kangsoi and Ironba.
Bianca, Pouca
Pouca, Jamuna, Lata
Jibesh, Breyden
(gazibo) at backyard 
lighting gazibo
Jamuna and Jyoti
Jamuna at Trail, Woodbridge, Canada
Gavin Advani graduation day
Brayden, Jamuna
Bianca, Jamuna, Lata

on 14th Sunday Lata and Bianca with Pouca came for dinner. it was a good gathering. Jibesh made Thai chicken and they all enjoyed. My kangsoi and ironba also came out well, remaining kangsoi and ironba I gave lata to take home. She gladly took it. It started raining and then snow flakes falling was a surprise welcome for me. It was something we miss in California and hence it was some sort of excitement for me. Any way it is time for winter approaching and we are going to experience a bit by the end of this month. Shobha and Lall are coming on 20th and hence they also will experience the cold winter weather.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Weekend in the city, 10th October

I was a bit reluctant to go to city as Lall and Shobha usuallly do a long walk. But to walk with them is not easy for me so i started thinking of staying back. But Shobha mentioned that Shivani also was coming, then I decided to go and see her. And as i cooked rajma curry I wanted to give her some as she likes Indian food. Around 9.45 am on 10/10/21 we left home. But the traffic was not bad and hence we got to Lucas/Leon's apartment arount 10.30 am. Since they were not at home during that time Lall and Shobha went for a walk while I waited at the reception area at the first floor. After about 10 minutes Lucas and Sean came back and they saw me sitting. I was not aware of their presence but when they called me nanima I stood up to hug them in surprise. They called and informed Shobha and Lall that they are back, after few minutes they returned and we all went up to their apartmen. Leon came up as Billy went to have hair cut for Cooper,their dog. Afterwards after Billy came with Cooper which was left in the apartment, we all went out for lunch where Shivani also came to join us. It was nice to talk to her as i found her very mature and understanding. I am glad that I met Leo/Billy, Lucas/Sean and Shivani and I felt i did the right thing going there along with Shobha and Lall.