Thursday, February 11, 2016

Walking chatpada

রাকিং চত্পদ ।।
উ্ররিয়ে ঙসি ঐন রাকিং চত্পদ
Uriye Zsi AEn wakiH cYpd
ঊ অম থল্লে মপাল্-চরোং চরোং লশিংগুম্ অঙৌবন
U Am TLle mpaL croH-croH ldiHguM AZaUbn
মনা খরদনি উরিব, মপাল্ শাত্পগী
Mna Krdni Urib, mpaL sYpgi
মথৌদাংদো পাংথোক্পদ ।
mTOdaHdo paHTopd !
তোঙান্ন মতোম্ত পোংন লৈজরিয়ে মাসে।।
toZoNn mtom poHn lEriye mase

মনাক্ত হৌরিব ঊসিংদি নিংথম্থাগী
mnaQt hOrib UsiHdi niHTMTagi
অঈঙবদু কাউঙমদন তূম্দুন লৈরিয়ে
AyiHbdu kaUZMdn tuMdun lEriye
তূম্লনু তূম্নুনু বশন্ত রিতু য়ৌরক্কদৌরে
tuMlnu tuMlnu bsNt ritu yOrQkdOre
-শা খুদিং লৈতেংব হৌরো মনা অশঙবন
N sa KudiH lEteHb hOro mna AsHbn
শজিবুগী মলয়া নুংশিত্ লাক্লনি কুইররোই
sjibugi mlya nuHsiY laQlni kurroI
জগোই তান্-ধা পুদুন  শামিন্ননব !
jgoI taN-Da pudun samiNnb !

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My first travel abroad

My first travel abroad during 1972 Munich Olympic
Travel abroad was something beyond our imagination those days during 70s  as Government of India was very strict. After one brave Indian I believe fought in the court ,” travel is a birth right and Government cannot restrict.”  He won the case and travel became easier for all. When opportunity came my husband and I joined one group planning for the trip of  Europe during the 1972  Olympic Games in Munich.  
          Traveling abroad being a big achievement, friends and families waited at New Delhi  airport holding bouquet of flowers and garlands.( Pictures with those garlands remain a permanent memory.} The flight landed in Moscow after about six and half hour. That was  the first stop in our itinerary for 29 days of travel in Europe. Entering Moscow, we immediately felt the uneasiness as we lined up for the immigration counter. The seriousness and stern look of those immigration officers made us feel as if we were some aliens from another planet. When my turn came, the officer took the passport and after scrutinyhe looked at my face and then to the passport and then looked at my face, he repeated three times. We were happy when it was over and could go to our hotel to rest for the night. Next morning we 70 of us boarded the two buses waiting for us for the city tour. Since it was our first adventure in a new big city like Moscow we were thrilled. All those  majestic palaces Kremlin a fortified complex at the heart of Moscow, Red Square, the  official resident of the President of Russia, state historical museum, the impressive Kremlin Palace,  the residence of the Russian Tsars  built in 1849 by architect Konstanin Ton. The first time when I saw the  Ballet  at Bolshoi Theater. Presenting a bouquet of flower after every performance on the stage was something new to me. After one and half day in Moscow we were taken to Leningrad where we felt as if we felt a bit different air unlike in Moscow,
           After the tour of Leningrad we were flown over to London. We felt for the first time so relaxed there seeing all the names of the streets like Trafalgar Square and counties like Buckinghamshire, Essex which we used read in novels while growing up during our school days.  At the end of London tour we passed the countryside to board the ship from Dover in UK to go to Calais in France.  The beauty of the countryside remained as permanent imprint in my memory even after forty three years. During that time the tunnel  in the English channel was not yet ready. When we landed  in France no one spoke English I even those who knew the language.  Luckily as the hotel receptionist was our consolation as he guided us in English. As planned ahead we had the full city tour of Paris and around.
           Half way during the tour when we arrived in Frankfurt, the sad and shocking  news flashed all over about the massacre in Munich Olympic campus. It was 4th September at 4:30 am local time. Eight Black September members entered the campus dressed in track suit with AK -47 assault  riffles, pistols and grenades in duffel bags. It was unfortunate that because of wrong decision of the Israeli commandos the members of the Israeli athletes including those Black September members were all killed.
          The games continued as usual after the incident. When we reached Munich next day Hockey game was going on. India and Pakistan were the main contenders, India did not go up to the final.
          In our group we had few close friends who signed up together for the trip, one young couple who were always fighting and arguing, another two gentlemen of Marwari community who were strict vegetarian.  In Europe no one understood what was a vegetarian meal supposed to be those days. These two gentlemen had some snacks brought from home  and  they lived on those and  with water which was available free of cost. As they were reluctant to spend money on items like fruits they remained starved most of  day. My husband was more concerned  as they were  almost starving    and  suggested to buy one electric stove and a pot with some rations and so that we could cook in the hotel room for them. After some consideration they agreed finally. We got a stove and a pot,  rice and lentil, some vegetables, a small bottle of cooking oil. When night time came I cooked frying the onion and then adding the rice and the lentil in a pot with water and added all the vegetables, salt and some red pepper  powder  as condiments. The young couple came to know about it and joined us in our room. That was the most tastiest food we ever had after missing our home food for the last two weeks living mostly on bread, butter and fruits provided in the hotel.  Thus we continued to cook off and on during the rest of journey.
           Our tour of Russia, UK, France, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, Rome was over by the end of 29 days. From Heathrow International airport we took our flight back to India. The electric stove and the utensils were divided among the two gentlemen and took home with them as souvenir. I have the memories of those as souvenirs.